Online Therapy for Moms in Michigan

Helping anxious moms reclaim themselves in motherhood

Are you:

  • frustrated at how hard it is to get or stay pregnant?

  • anxiously preoccupied by the calendar and potential pregnancy symptoms?

  • grieving pregnancy losses while seeing every other woman around you pregnant?

  • overwhelmed by the lack of control and changes to your body in pregnancy?

  • drowning in birth trauma as you try to keep this little person alive while dealing with bodily fluids coming out of all parts of you?

  • numb and detached from your experiences in the NICU?

  • frustrated by how much you yell at your kids?

  • trying to just make it through the day with your kids alive?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a mom who’s struggling and ready for change. You’re in the right place for help.

You are tired of feeling:

  • overwhelmed and full of rage

  • touched out and overstimulated

  • exhausted and running on empty

  • triggered and consumed by guilt

Motherhood isn’t glamorous and you might not have the proverbial village  around to help you. Instagram shows other moms’ highlight reels and your reality looks nothing like their matching mommy and me outfits as they peacefully stroll through the aisles of Target. You are not the same woman you were before nor are you the mother you thought you’d be. It’s demanding to feel so needed all of the time and you resent that you can’t keep up with your own basic care. You feel like a monster for having these ugly thoughts and struggling this much because you wanted motherhood SO badly.  You are not alone.

You are ready to:

  • feel confident in yourself and your parenting

  • embrace the joy and fulfillment in motherhood

  • be fully present and engaged in your family

  • walk through challenges with ease and grace

You’re ready for life to be different and I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Lauren and I support anxious moms as they reclaim themselves in motherhood.

As a maternal mental health specialist and mom myself, I understand the unique challenges and mental load that moms today carry. I provide a safe space for you to take a break from being everything to everyone else. You can reject the unhelpful expectations placed on you from others and even the ones you place on yourself. Therapy is your time to relearn how to prioritize yourself and remember it’s okay for you to have needs, too. Our work together will be based on what’s important to you at this time whether that means heal past traumas, learn to set boundaries, practice new coping skills, or remember that it’s okay for motherhood to be this hard sometimes. This is your time to feel seen and heard without judgement while you show up as a woman first, not mom, wife, or employee. You deserve your own attention as you grow into the woman you want to be and rediscover the strength you’ve always had. I can’t wait to witness you on this journey. You’ve waited long enough; it’s time to reach out for support.

Take your next step