Online Therapy for Therapists in Michigan

Helpers deserve help, too

Have you ever found yourself wondering:

  • “I guess I could put a client in that spot. I can go to yoga a different time.”

  • “I bet I could work in retail again and not always be so stressed out.”

  • “How can I possibly be a therapist when I don’t have my own life together?”

  • “I should try some of the self care things I encourage clients to do.”

  • “Maybe I need to see my own therapist… Woah, look at that! Time for my next session!”

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you might be a therapist experiencing burnout. You’re in the right place for help.

You are tired of:

  • feeling exhausted and overworked

  • just going through the motions

  • not taking good care of yourself

  • ignoring your own boundaries

You’re so burnt out you can’t even stand the word anymore. This job was tough three years ago and then a global pandemic happened. You see “now hiring” signs everywhere and daydream about a break from forever holding space for everyone else and their feelings. Your boundaries continue to slip as you work from home and “technically” can accommodate clients’ needs. You think about clients more than you’d like outside of working hours, and imposter syndrome feels like it could be your middle name at this point. Social justice work is never ending, crises on every level keep coming, and while you joke that you’ll never be out of a job, some days you wish you were. The bright eyed bushy tail grad student determined to save the world is long gone.

It’s much easier to be in the “expert” chair and focus on others rather than shine light on your own stuff. You spent a lot of money on fancy degrees to be able to help others, surely you can work through this yourself, right? Wrong! Surgeons don’t operate on themselves and neither should you. No matter how good of a therapist you are, you can’t be your own. You are ready to work through and release whatever no longer serves you so that you get to continue on in this profession you love. Your values can align with your actions to live a meaningful life. You whole heartedly believe in the power of having space to be seen and heard without judgement… for other people. You talk the talk and now it’s time to walk the walk.

You’re ready to:

  • prioritize yourself

  • feel rejuvenated and energized

  • practice balance in life and work

  • be fully present with loved ones and clients

You’re ready for change and I’m here to help.

Hi, I’m Lauren and I support burnout therapists as they rediscover fulfillment in their work and balance in their lives.

Look, clearly as a therapist myself, I understand the unique challenges and mental load that we carry. When you come to therapy with me, it’s your time to take the therapist hat off and just be human. You’ll finally get to take a break from being everything to everyone else. You don’t have to have all your shit together here. You can reject the unhelpful expectations placed on you from others and even the ones you place on yourself. You can relearn how to prioritize yourself, and remember it’s okay for you to have needs, too. Our work together will be based on what’s important to you at this time whether that means heal past traumas, learn to set boundaries, practice new coping skills, or remember that it’s common for life to be this hard sometimes. This is your time to feel seen and heard without judgement while you show up as a woman first, not therapist, wife, or mom. You deserve your own attention as you grow into the woman you want to be and rediscover the strength you’ve always had. We both know the scariest part is reaching out and scheduling the first appointment. You can do this; I’m here for you.

Take your next step